
Steven De Meester (Steering Committee)
Sustainable design of chemical process chains via chemical engineering, design & up-scaling, and sustainability analysis
T +32 56 24 12 36

Kristof Demeestere
Analysis and technology of organic minor components
T +32 9 264 59 65

Jo Dewulf
Clean technology, sustainability & footprinting analysis, life cycle analysis, thermodynamics based resource efficiency
T +32 9 264 59 49

Dagmar D'hooge
Design of polymerization and polymer processing techniques, functional material design, multi-scale modeling
T +32 9 331 17 72

Vladimir Galvita
Heterogeneous catalysis, low carbon technology, chemical looping and energy storage processes
T +32 9 264 58 30

Geraldine Heynderickx
Reactor hydrodynamics, multiphase flow regimes, computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
T +32 9 331 17 53
Advanced Materials

Ludwig Cardon
Characterization and 3D processing of polymers and composites
T +32 9 331 03 90

Catherine Cazin
Sustainable transition metal chemistry and homogeneous catalysis, catalyst and ligand design for organic synthesis
T +32 9 264 96 84

Klaartje De Buysser
Synthesis of metal oxide particles and thin films for advanced applications
T +32 9 264 44 41

Karen De Clerck (Steering Committee)
Production and analysis of fibres in relation with the end-characteristics of the fibrous materials
T +32 9 264 57 40

Jolien Dendooven
Atomic Layer Deposition, Thin film technology, In-situ surface and thin film characterization during depostion and annealing
T +32 9 264 43 65

Christophe Detavernier
Atomic Layer Deposition, Thin film technology, In-situ surface and thin film characterization during depostion and annealing
T +32 9 264 43 54

Marjan De Mey (Steering Committee)
Optimisation of microbial cell factories through metabolic engineering and synthetic biology
T +32 9 264 60 28

Ramon Ganigué
Biotechnologies for waste valorization; gas & liquid fermentations
T +32 9 264 59 73

Korneel Rabaey
Resource recovery, CO2 conversion, electrochemical engineering, fermentation, water treatment
T +32 9 264 59 76

Wim Soetaert (Steering Committee)
Industrial biotechnology and biocatalysis, fermentation science and engineering
T +32 9 264 60 83